Sunday, June 12, 2011

sick as a bat

Sorry this is coming a little later - I was invited to dinner. I took this on my way home (at midnight) because I think it sums up the weather for the past week - overcast, foggy and cold. It has snowed pretty much every day and I even went so far as to put on pants the past two days (you know it's cold then). The persistent fog has made it difficult for planes to land which means that people and supplies can't make it in. One of my roommates was due back today after a three week training session in Yellowknife. Maybe she'll have better luck tomorrow.

The Beaufort Delta is more water than land -this may be an exaggeration but not by much. It was interesting for me when the snow started to melt because I had no idea which bodies of water were permanent and which were just runoff that would soon disappear. I still don't really know the answer because there's water everywhere.

There's something different about this scene. Can you figure out what it is? (10 Katoni Points to whoever gets it). Good luck. I'm taking tomorrow off but I'll back on Monday.


sara said...

soemthing it that there are a bunch of bikes on the roof of the house...or the factg that there is a bike or two NOT on the roof?

sara said...

oops i meant: "something" not soemthing" and "fact" not factg" yikes!!!

Bronwen said...

yeah i agree with sara - is it the bikes???

this game is fun!!

Jesse V. said...

Sara's hit the nail on the head, the clown on the nose, and put the tail on the donkey. This is the first time I've ever seen a roof used as a storage space for a bunch of bikes. I think IKEA could really get behind this.
Sara this takes you up to 30 KPs - not a bad weekly haul.
Bronwen - I'm delighted that you and D are taking part in this.
All the best,
Jesse V.