Monday, June 06, 2011

My laser's blinking

Here's a glimpse of the space in between the mission house and the next door neighbour (if you look really, really hard you can see a sleeping puppy in front of the dog house). I'm starting to think that it's unlikely I'll see any unfrozen expanses of the Arctic Ocean before I leave. The ice in the harbour is nowhere near disappearing and the cool temperatures aren't doing much to speed things along. I'm going to try and take a picture of Tuk everyday (and post it) before I leave at the end of June.


Marcia said...

Yay new post! I think I see the puppy...Also I zoomed in on the picture and see something that looks like an awake dog in the foreground, to the right of the two yellow bars. But maybe I just wanted to see a dog so badly that I made him up.

Jesse V. said...

I had the boys at the lab do a digital enhancement and they're stating, with 98% certainty, that what you're seeing is actually a garbage bag. I agree that it looks very much like an awake dog but you just can't argue with lab results (most of the time).

Bronwen said...

man...I looked and looked and looked...and then David sat down and found it in 2 seconds...

Marcia said...

Jesse I am pretty sure that's a really cute dog. Bronwen, did you have your glasses on?

Jesse V. said...

Marcia - there was the 2% chance for error but I really don't remember seeing another dog when I took that shot. I'd rather it be a dog than a garbage bag. This is like those drawings where you can see an old woman or a young woman only here it's garbage or a dog :)