Monday, January 12, 2009

kick this city

This year I’ve made a few resolutions. In no particular order they are:

  • Stop saying “I can’t believe it’s already (insert month)”. The only exception to this is if I fall asleep one night and wake up several months later
  • Not sleeping for several months at a time

Alright so I haven't made a lot of resolutions but I should be able to follow through on the ones listed (hopefully).

I had planned on giving my notice last Monday (my plan to start the New Year off right) but here I am a week later. However, I am hoping that this Friday afternoon I will call my suspervisor and tender my resignation. Do I have back-up job? No. Do I have a healthy savings account to see me through some lean times? No. Is the country facing high unemployment and limited job prospects? Yes. Conventional wisdom would say that I should hang on to my job but I've never been one for convention. Or at least I'd like to think so. I guess I'll prove whether I am or not this Friday.

1 comment:

Jobes said...

Happy New Year Jesse and Capital M, it is always important to have a backup plan before any drastic action is taken. Best of luck with the job search.
