Monday, June 13, 2011

Just as easy as an egg

He perdido mis botas!

Admittedly, someone who lives with a Spanish speaking boyfriend may have an advantage with this one. I'll pump up the point value to 15 - that's right, 15 Katoni Points. Good luck.


Bronwen said...

I am proud to say I was able to translate botas all on my own!!! I see them hanging on the right side of the picture from the long bar of wood!!
ALSO first to respond YAYAYAYA

David said...

De que color son las botas Jesse? Por que se me perdieron otras por ahi! :) Saludos

sara said...

DAMN!!!!!!!! I translated it on MY OWN and I didn't even take a spanish class-AND I've been checking for an update ALL NIGHT!!!!! man this is getting competitive.... :)

Marcia said...

I need to start staying up later--I totally missed the boat on this one! Cool picture Jesse :)

Jesse V. said...

Chicken train - ride all day.
Bronwen you owned this one. You're sitting pretty with 40 KPs.
M - you do need to stay up later, or I need to post earlier :)
Sara - I have no doubt that you will continue to dominate in the days to come.
David - lol!
Woo Woo (that's the chicken train leaving the station)