Wednesday, June 08, 2011


This wasn't taken from my office window but it's the view I see whenever I look outside. One fine afternoon I was treated to a funny act between one of the dogs in the picture and a raven. I'm pretty sure the dog was bored because he seemed to be humouring the bird more than anything. The raven would land just out of reach of the dog's chain and the dog would causally trot to the end of his rope and jump up (in what can only be described as mock indignation) when he couldn't reach the raven. The raven would then fly to a new spot, just out of reach, and the process would repeat. I must not have had any students that day because I think I watched those two for awhile.
Three are three dogs in this picture - can you spot them all (5 Katoni Points to whoever does). An additional 5 points to whoever spots the caribou antlers. Good luck.


sara said...

this one is tough... i for sure see the two dogs running in the middle of the page kind of in front of the the third one in that cardboard box thingy to the right? as for the antlers...ummm are they in the pile of stuff on the shore just above where what i assume to be a chunk of dirty looking ice?
mani want these katoni points!

Bronwen said...

sara, you beat me again...oh well, here's my there's the two dogs in front of the big house (?running towards you to attack?) and the third (this one was tricky) in front of the dog house on the right of the big house??
As for the antlers??? no clue, is it on top of the garage?
i like this game...although i must admit, i'm not very good at it.

Jesse V. said...

Brownwen- you're not just good at this you're now tied with no less than 10 Katoni Points. Sara I'll give you 5 points too for identifying the location of the dogs. The antlers, as Bronwen said, are on top of the two sheds next to the house in the centre of the photo.
Well done you two!

Bronwen said...

I have to admit...david helped me with the antlers....just felt the need to be honest