Wednesday, February 11, 2009

best of me

On second thought, it should be called 'fruit and vegetable spread.'  This is in reference to my idea on how to market strawberry and rhubarb jam.  'Spread' makes its sound less sugary then jam.  

So, yes, I am still unemployed but I'm not worried.  I have absolutely no regrets in leaving my previous job and have applied for some interesting positions.  I am however trying to think of some daily 'unemployment challenges.'  For example: drinking 1 and 1/3 cups of water every hour on the hour between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00P.M.  Or, trying to see how long I can drag out a conversation with the numerous telemarketing/ collection agencies (they keep calling for the previous owner of our current phone number).  I am also looking for children's story publishers; I wrote a story and waver between being too cowardly to send it off and curious to see if it could get published (or at the very least, curious to see a rejection letter).  Maybe that, and the water, will be tomorrow's challenge.  

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