Monday, April 19, 2010

Water water everywhere

Though the angle is different this should give a good indication of just how fast (and how much) the snow is melting. I used to think that stilts were used because of the permafrost but now I believe they're also used to stop houses and buildings from flooding during the spring. No joke - I'm swear the spin cycle of the washer is more noticeable now; in an unsettling kind of way.

One final thing. Someone on this floor is either smoking the foulest weed this side of the Mississippi or has a very sick skunk. It really could be either one.


sara said...


(fyi the word verification for posting is "nitch" i feel like this should be a dirty word..."

Marcia said...

Is the top picture the street to the liquor store? I mean...hey, that's near your house! I can't believe all the water. The Mariner will be afloat any day now.

Jesse V. said...


To me Nitch sounds like how some people mispronounce the word 'niche.'

You are correct, the top picture is the street to the liquor store.
I think the word 'afloat' is on the border of acceptable 'a-words.' It's better than 'abed' or 'alee' but I'm kind of thinking someone (me?) should start an anti a-word campaign.

All the best,
Jesse V.