Monday, December 07, 2009

making it work

Top - taken at 12:15pm (yes, that's the moon)
Next - back of elementary school
Next - taken from my window at work around 12:50pm
Last - Gazebo by College


butterfly-girl said...

Jesse- what a wonderfully unique experience you're getting to have up there. Much like life in Curacao, it's not perfect (missing family, a lack of fresh milk, cultural differences that we have to adapt to) but what an adventure! And to be able to say "I lived there" some day is going to be really neat - you'll forget all the challenges and remember the cool and interesting stuff (the different climates, meeting interesting people and the cultural differences we have to adapt to).
Courage, my northern friend.
(and thanks for responding to comments - as you have seen, I don't usually respond to comments left on our blog!)

Jesse V. said...

Butterfly-girl - It is true that we are both on an adventures and I think it's interesting that we have parallel challenges even though we live in completely opposite climates. So courage to you too, my southern friend.