Monday, January 19, 2009

Episode IV: A new hope

Well it's done:

Jan. 19, 2009

Attention Supervisor:
With this letter I wish to inform you that I will be resigning from my position with ABC as Centre Manager of the Mississauga office as of Friday, Jan. 31, 2009. I have learned a lot during my time with ABC and I will always be grateful to have had this opportunity. Allow me to express my best wishes for the company and yourself.


Jesse V

I don't know what's going to happen in the near future but I've decided to be cautiously optimistic. Also, I would like to thank Capital M for a) putting up with my numerous complaints about my job and b) being supportive about taking this leap of faith.

Monday, January 12, 2009

kick this city

This year I’ve made a few resolutions. In no particular order they are:

  • Stop saying “I can’t believe it’s already (insert month)”. The only exception to this is if I fall asleep one night and wake up several months later
  • Not sleeping for several months at a time

Alright so I haven't made a lot of resolutions but I should be able to follow through on the ones listed (hopefully).

I had planned on giving my notice last Monday (my plan to start the New Year off right) but here I am a week later. However, I am hoping that this Friday afternoon I will call my suspervisor and tender my resignation. Do I have back-up job? No. Do I have a healthy savings account to see me through some lean times? No. Is the country facing high unemployment and limited job prospects? Yes. Conventional wisdom would say that I should hang on to my job but I've never been one for convention. Or at least I'd like to think so. I guess I'll prove whether I am or not this Friday.