Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Too much excitement for one night

Sweet mother of mercy! There are some new comments in my blog. How exciting is that? For someone like me, a little too exciting. Now I'm going to have a hard time falling asleep tonight. Seriously, as soon as I turn off the lights and lay my head down my mind starts racing under normal conditions. (When it gets close to Christmas I can barely sleep at all). But now, with all this blogging excitement I don't know what time I'll fall asleep. I lead a rich life.
Since I'm still up, and my day at the school where I'm practice teaching is 8 hours away I may as well talk about a new show on NBC. I saw part of "Teachers" tonight and I was struck by a few things. (I'll make a list since this website makes it easy to do so)
  1. Ever wondered what happened to Kenny (Bud) from 'the Cosbey show?' Neither did I, but he is a cast member. It was surprising how easily I recognized him - he still looks like Kenny, just bigger
  2. Sarah Alexander, famous for her role on the British version of the show 'Coupling' is also part of the teaching staff. It was weird to see her in an American sit-com
  3. A good teacher should be standing by the doorway, greeting students when the bell goes, not milling about in the staff room
  4. 'Teachers' is not funny, nor does it depict the life of a teacher
  5. I predict that it will be cancelled shortly
  6. I have to go to bed or tomorrow is going to hurt


Jobes said...

You are awesome, Jesse!

Anonymous said...

I also think that show sucks.