Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Life in a Small Town

It is impossible to have any degree of anonimity in a small town. My mother, aunts and uncles all grew up here, and for the most part, I did too. I've been away for a long time, but not nearly long enough. People stop me on the street and say "You must be Annie's boy, you look just like her..." The conversation is already off to a bad start. I don't think I've actually scowled at anyone, yet. However, I have become really good at vaguely answering questions. A sample conversation would go something like this:
Irratating Person: ... you look just like her. Where have you been?"
Me: I've been out East
IP: Oh, where?
Me: Nova Scotia
IP: Really, where in Nova Scotia?
Me: Halifax
IP: Delicious, what have you been doing out there?
Me: Going to school
IP: In Halifax!?
Me: yeah
IP: What have you been studying...
The conversation can be as long or as short as the other person wants it to be. It's not that I refuse to answer their questions, I just don't give them much information. If they really want to be nosy they can ask away and slowly, they'll find out.

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